
On the19th of May 2035 I was flying by Jupiter when I got hit by an asteroid. My robot explorer 5000 came and said “the damage is bad captain. we will need to land so I can repair it.” “All right.” I replied. We were passing an unknown moon of Jupiter so I landed on it. When we got out of the space ship the damage was bad so we got to work straight away. Explorer 5000 said that he was going to get his tools and I said ok. Explorer 5000 was gone for about an hour but then I felt him behind me. “What took you so long” I asked still working. All I got was “aagggh” so I turned around to see green, blue, red, pink, orange and black aliens with some sort of gun which looked like one from a cartoon. I also sore pieces of explorer 5000 and other spaceships. Before I could react the aliens took me to there leader who can speak English in his room there was Voyager one and heaps of human skeletons. Then the alien’s captain talked his name was Juju “what is your name and rank?” “My name is Killer 5000 my rank is Admiral.” I replied “What is you ranking Juju?” I asked “I am also an Admiral. Do you know how to reset this thing to self-destruct?” He asked pointing to Voyager one. “No why do you ask?” “Because I want to destroy this solar system?” “Why do you want to do that?” “Because it is my mission and if I don’t succeed I will get killed.” “Well I guess if you push all of the buttons it should do something.” So that is what Juju did and it said self destruct in 24 hours. “Yes after all of the millions of years I have been trying it is finally going to happen.” Juju cried then he turned to his aliens and said “tie up Killer 5000 and leave him here and the get into the hyper drive.” His reply was “arrrggg” and they put a slimly rope around me. I didn’t struggle because I had a plan! When they had tied me up they left me alone on Jupiter’s moon. I could easily slip out of the rope because it was slimy. When I looked around there was my spaceship there was also a hyper space drive so I hooked up the hyper space drive to my space ship. Then I went to voyager one and opened a little hole and read the manual it said that I had to cut all of the panels into little pieces. So that is what I did. then I set up the hyper drive and went back to the earths moon the I crashed but luckily there was a space station close by so I floated to it but I had a safety cord attached to me incase I got lost. I got back safely though.